LIBERAL ARTS SEMESTERAn enquiry into the historical, sociological and cultural background, of the remarkable emergence of Ireland as a confident high growth country in the European Union, leading to an analysis of the viability of the Atlantic Corridor partnership project from both a Buffalo-Niagara and Tullamore-Ireland perspective.SUBJECTS:
IRELAND'S HISTORY IN CONTEXTIreland today is a product of its unique history. It has shaped the visionaries whose combined influences are driving Ireland forward. Its influence is to be observed in ordinary everyday life. It comes to the surface when discussing the causes of poverty, depression and marginalisation. The continuing crisis in Northern Ireland, furthermore, is surely rooted in an obsessive slavery to history.What makes Ireland different, however, is less a question of simple facts, but rather a complex set of individual and group interpretations and perceptions influenced by external factors, preconceived notions and "out of context" information. The history of Ireland, from early times to present, is the starting point of the quest for a basic understanding of the factors which motivate the thoughts, deeds and decisions of the local population. To seek a true understanding is to embark on a life long quest of personal enrichment and more in-depth partnership.
SOCIO-ECONOMIC EVOLUTION & PARTNERSHIPOVERVIEW:Ireland's unique history lends itself to study from a socio-economic perspective. In many senses, its evolution is remarkable and poorly explained in economic theory. It is a young nation that reached independence with a relatively insignificant industrial base. Since then, it has moved from ranking as one of the poorest European countries to one of the most successful. To understand where it is at now, and where it might go, it is important to look at those special undercurrents or forces that created this potential. The role of the family also deserves particular attention. On the one hand the family can be accused of holding back change and suppressing initiative. On the other hand, it has been the source and guardian of certain values peculiar to Ireland, which have, when combined with other important factors, moulded modern Ireland. It is important to investigate the evolution over time of this and other social factors in the context of historical events and developments outside Ireland. Look back on the thirties, forties, fifties and sixties - for the most part, the story is, perhaps, one of doom and gloom -the loss through emigration of possibly Ireland's most enterprising people. But, within this story, is to be found the steady beat of progress and confidence in the future. The lessons to be learned are many, and the possibilities are high that existing theories of development require some alterations as a result. Tullamore and the Midlands are to be highlighted in this search. The building blocks of future partnership with Buffalo / Niagara are to be uncovered and documented. But, more important, is the discovery of the wide range of factors from culture, music, tradition, education, travel, family, patriotism, social organisation, the media and the technological revolution, which have influenced change above and beyond the explanation offered by simple economic theory.
SEMINAR:The new concept of the Irish People.ADDITIONAL STUDENT CHALLENGES:
Return to top of page THE EUROPEAN UNION - ORIGIN, VISION & EVOLUTIONA JOINT PROGRAMME WITH BUSINESS STUDIESFrom a US perspective, the European Union presents great challenges and opportunities. Is Europe becoming a fortress to counter US influence or a potential partner to counter the emergence of Asia? What are the possibilities right now, and what trends for the future? What avenues lie ahead for opportunity? These are but a few of the questions that are becoming increasingly relevant at all levels of society in North America today. To find answers, it is necessary to go back to the beginning in search of the original motivation behind the European Union. The blood from the battlefields of European aspirations fertilised countless fields and littered the region with cemeteries and war memorials. It is from such disasters that thoughts of modern union found their origins. The process since has been both gradual and incremental. The problems faced, the politics, and the preconceived solutions provide a unique insight into the plethora of laws and institutions that form the maze which only those who have fully participated truly understand.
Ireland's role in the formation of modern Europe is of particular interest. But, perhaps
Ireland's potential as a gateway to understanding and working inside and with the Union is of
most importance.
SEMINAR:Irish National Policy in the European Union.ADDITIONAL STUDENT CHALLENGES:
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This is, perhaps, the most exciting, engaging and controversial part of the program.
Students will enter the Irish World, probe, invent and contribute, not only to their own
personal learning, but to people back home. To the local Irish, there will be scope for
comparison, revision and demystification.
PARTNERSHIP PROJECTSThe key to good inter-cultural relationships and endeavours is the development of the leadership and investigative skills to get behind the scenes. The greatest barriers are artificiality and formality. The real scope comes from working, playing, and living, with a wide range of people from the target culture. By working on projects specific to the conceptual partnership or proposed Atlantic Corridor, the greatest possible outcome can be achieved. The students will be participating with local people and businesses in projects focused on the common goal of furthering the Atlantic Corridor Concept.